The Schedule of Events for Gallifrey One in 35 Millimetre, our upcoming February 2025 convention, is now available! As in prior years, we are using the Sched online scheduling system for a seamless and easy-to-navigate program that can be used on your desktop or mobile device. We’ve done our very best to bring our attendees a great lineup, with tons of interviews, Q&As, discussion panels, special events, and all the fun that makes Gallifrey One special.
Our schedule is now finally COMPLETE, with the addition of the photo ops, autographs with Showmasters Events-sponsored guests, and the remaining add-on package events/script readings. We reserve the right to add items or make alterations if needed!
The Gallifrey One 2025 schedule is fully customizable, and you will be able to select items you are interested in and prepare your itinerary by becoming a registered attendee on Full screen web version and mobile versions of the schedule are available at the following links.
Full Screen (General Purpose) version
Fully viewable version, with custom views of events, searchable, plus panelist and guest listings
Print version
One-page layouts, both simple listing and detailed with event notes
As always, a complete copy of this year’s program can be found in your Gallifrey One 2025 Program Book, given to each attendee during badge pickup at Convention Registration. The book also contains maps of our facility, program grids for each day of the event, and tables of information listing special events, photo ops, autograph sessions, gaming and children’s programming schedules, and much more.
- Use “Filter by Date” to give you the full schedule for one day only.
- Select the “Filter by Venue” dropdown to select the schedule for individual rooms (Program A, B, C, D, etc.)
- Use “Filter by Type” to choose the type of events you’re interested in.
What Is, And Isn’t, On the Schedule Right Now?
Items currently on the schedule
Our entire main program, including interviews, Q&As, live commentaries, panels and major events; all of our autographs in our Autograph Alley and at the Showmasters Events and Alien Entertainment/Big Finish tables in the Dealers Room; all of our photo ops; the full schedule of kaffeeklatsches; the gaming program; the children’s program; and all currently-scheduled meet-ups and social events. Additionally, all the items that cost an additional fee are also on the schedule: our Evening Guest Receptions, the TARDIS Tag meet & greet sessions, and all of our currently scheduled script reading sessions (Catherine Tate, Jenna Coleman, Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant), all of which can be purchased at Convention Photo Shoots.
Items coming soon but NOT yet on the schedule
Our Video Room program is not posted online, but can be found in your souvenir program book. We may add some additional sessions, to be announced.
About Autographs
Autographs at Gallifrey One can be a little confusing, but fear not: complete information about who’s signing and where will be on the Gallifrey One Attendee Guide when autographs are posted on the schedule (in the “How do I get autographs at Gallifrey One?”) section. We have three main types of autograph opportunities: our Autograph Alley in our main foyer, with set start and end times for many of our guests (these will be on the schedule); Sponsored Guest Autographs including those brought to the convention by Showmasters Events and Big Finish Productions, which take place at their tables in our Dealers Room (they will also be on the schedule); and Fixed Guest Table Autographs, for guests who have their own Dealers Room tables and set their own hours (so they will NOT be on the schedule).
Upcoming Kaffeeklatsch Sign-Ups
As previously announced, online sign-ups for this year’s kaffeeklatsch program (for which all sessions are currently on the schedule) will take place on Saturday February 1, 2025 at 12:00pm Pacific Time (3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm UK.) We’ll have a dedicated news update on this website with links to the sign-up location, along with further details, closer to that date.
Please note: the following previously announced discussion panels were not able to be presented this year, after some hard decisions had to be made due to space, the size of our guest list, and panelist interest: “Thoroughly Modern Millie” (#2); A Voyage with Iris Wildthyme (#15, though this was merged into a Saturday panel with Katy Manning and Paul Magrs); “Recreate, Animate, Exterminate” (#17); “Building a Better Screwdriver” (#19); “Stop Me Before I Collect Again” (#24); “From Console to TV Screen” (#31); and “The Cutting Room Floor” (#36). Some of these panels will be on next year’s program.
Gallifrey One 2025 Hours of Operation and Convention Overview
The following is our general guide to the convention, starting with badge pickup (attendees with tickets pick up their badges at our Registration desk, which allows you entry into the convention):
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025
- As attendees and guests start to arrive for Gallifrey One, many will mingle in the hotel lobby and bar throughout the evening (and the first ribbon-trading meet-up is at 7:30 Wednesday night in the lobby.)
- Thursday, February 13, 2025
- 4:00pm to 9:00pm — Registration open for badge pickup
- 5:15pm — Annual In N’Out Burger run (meet in hotel lobby)
- 8:00pm — Gallifrey One 2024’s Pre-Convention Launch Party and Ice Cream Social, plus Thursday night karaoke immediately after (9:30pm approx.), both in Program A
- All evening — the lobby bar and restaurants will be full of attendees (which will continue all weekend!)
- Friday, February 14, 2025
- 9:00am — Registration reopens for badge pickup (to 7pm); Member Services desk open for information & assistance (until 6pm); Video Room open (to midnight)
- 9:30am — Seating opens in Program A
- 10:00am — Programming begins in select rooms, with others beginning at 11am or later; Dealers Room open (to 6pm); Gaming open (to midnight)
- 5:00pm — Evening Guest receptions begin on the 16th floor, at 5pm, 6:30pm and 8pm (for additional charge, purchase here)
- 6:00pm — Program A closes for evening setup; Fan Video Happy Hour in Program B; panel programming continues in Program C (until 9:30); Shabbat Shalom Gallifrey One service in Program D (6:30pm); Frazer Hines evening panel (8:00pm)
- 8:00pm — The Idiot’s Lantern live stage show in Program A
- 9:30pm — Friday night karaoke begins in Program B
- 10:00pm — Gallifrey One 2025’s dance party in Program A
- Saturday, February 15, 2025
- 9:00am — Registration reopens for badge pickup (through 7pm); Member Services desk open for information & assistance (until 6pm); Video Room open (to midnight)
- 9:30am — Program A (main stage) seating opens
- 10:00am — All program tracks and kaffeeklatsches open (to 6pm); Dealers Room and Art Show open (to 6pm); Gaming open (to midnight); Catherine Tate VIP script reading in Program B (for additional charge, purchase here)
- 5:00pm — Evening Guest Receptions begin, at 5:00pm, 6:30pm and 8:00pm (for additional charge, purchase here)
- 6:00pm — InDoctornated screeening in Program A; The Game of Rassilon event in Program B. (Note: Program A will NOT close before the Masquerade!)
- 8:00pm — The Masquerade of Mandragora costume & fashion show, immediately followed by a screening (time approximate around 9:15-9:30pm) of The War Games in Colour.
- 9:30pm — Saturday night Karaoke begins in Program B
- Sunday, February 16, 2025
- 9:00am — Registration reopens for badge pickup (until 1pm); Member Services desk open for information & assistance (until 4pm); Video Room open (to 4pm); Gaming open (to 4pm)
- 9:30am — Program A (main stage) seating opens
- 10:00am — All program tracks and kaffeeklatsches open (to 4pm); Art Show auction in Program E (10am); Dealers Room open (to 4pm); Jenna Coleman VIP script reading in Program B (for additional charge, purchase here)
- 12:00pm — Gallifrey One’s 2025 Bob May Memorial Charity Auction begins in Program B (runs until late afternoon)
- 4:00pm — The Year in Review in Program A; most programming ends; Dealers Room closed
- 5:00pm — Closing Ceremonies
Please note that the above times are subject to change and may be altered at any time prior to the convention.
Badge Pickup: Important Information
Attendees can pick up their badges at any time our Registration Desk is open (Thursday 4:00-9:00pm; Friday & Saturday 9:00am-7:00pm; Sunday 9:00am-1:00pm) for full access to the convention. If you would like to participate in our Thursday evening events, you must ensure your badge is picked up during these Thursday timeslots. We will not hold badges for you if you will be arriving after the times noted above.
Important: you MUST present photo identification at Convention Registration to receive your convention badge.
Seating: Important Information
Gallifrey One provides open seating for all of our program rooms; we do not sell reserved seating, and we do not clear rooms between each daytime program event (or between the evening events), only at the dinner hour (usually after 6pm). If you want to sit in the front row of Program A all day long, get their early and claim your seat! That said, we do have a couple of important things to keep in mind.
Program A (the main hall) will open for seating on Friday, Saturday & Sunday at 9:30am. General seating is open to everyone during these times. Although it may first appear that seating is light, we ask you to please fill in all available seats.
Reserve seating is held in Program A/B/C/D for attendees with special needs (who have registered at the Accessibility Services desk, located next to Convention Registration). This includes front row seating specifically reserved for hearing and vision impaired attendees. We ask that you please pay attention to reserved seating signs and do not sit in these spaces if you have not been instructed to do so. Attendees who have registered with Accessibility Services will be instructed where to meet for seating for these events.
You MUST fill in all available seats when asked by a Gallifrey One staff member. There are times when our main ballroom (Program A) will be filled to capacity; during these times, we will fill all empty seats, regardless of seats being “saved” for others. You have been warned.
On Friday evening, Program A will be closed briefly at the end of our main daytime programming session, for setup for our stage show The Idiot’s Lantern. Lines usually begin to form for the room after that, so if you want a great seat, we encourage you to join the line at that time. Attendees should never hold places in line for parties larger than four.
On Saturday evening this year, we will not be closing Program A after the end of daytime programming, in order to bring you a special screening of the new film InDoctornated at 6:00pm. Following the conclusion of the film, there will be a very brief pause until the start of The Masquerade of Mandragora at 8:00pm, but the room will remain open.
In our panel program rooms (Program B/C/D), please do not save seats for others as these rooms have limited seating. Program E is a multi-purpose room so there is very limited seating available.
While you’re in our programming rooms, we ask that you follow our Courtesy Policy toward other guests. Please take a minute to check out the Courtesy Policy and understand how we handle our event to make it enjoyable for everyone in attendance.
Are there breaks between panels and events?
Yes… Gallifrey One provides breaks in between panel sessions for people to be able to leave the room and new people be able to come in and sit down. Please note that the following will be in effect; our programming coordinators will be ensuring that programs end on time (as much as they possibly can):
- For 60 minute (hour) programming and panel blocks, the panels will be 55 minutes long, with a 5 minute break at the end of the hour.
- For 45 minute programs (mostly interview sessions), the panels will be 40 minutes long, with a 5 minute break at the end.
- For 30 minute programs, the panel will run the full 30 minutes; this is the one item that will not have a break after.
- Any panels or events longer than an hour will be at the discretion of programming operations but will likely have a 5-10 minute break at the end.
- Panels that are the last panel of the day prior to a gap in the schedule or a closure of the room will be allowed to run until the very end of the panel block.
How are audience questions handled in Program A?
We no longer feature an open microphone in Program A for audience questions, except when the guests specifically request it (see below). Although we’ve loved the opportunity for open dialogue between attendees and our guests taking the stage, many an interview has been sidetracked with things that your fellow attendees have not enjoyed: the long-winded “question, but more of a comment” that takes forever; the requests to give guests gifts (or hugs); and of course, the dreaded “what’s your favorite ___?” Instead, we primarily conduct interview-style events in Program A throughout the weekend.
We may accept audience questions in advance selected interviews/panels up until two hours prior to the start of the event. We will have a list of these events online close to the convention. Drop by Member Services and ask for a question card for one of these events; simply write your name and your question on the card. Our interviewers will be reviewing submissions for their panels after the deadline and, who knows… maybe your question will be answered! (We make absolutely no guarantees though; it is entirely the choice of the moderator!)
Please note that this year, Catherine Tate has requested an open microphone and no moderator for both of her events (Friday and Saturday at 5pm), so we will have an open microphone for those sessions only.
About Autographs
Gallifrey One provides three different types of autograph opportunities at our events, which we know can be confusing (especially to the newer attendees). We believe in scheduling autograph sessions appropriately to the guest, not imposing on all of our guests’ times, while still providing as much autograph opportunity and flexibility in case we need to make last minute changes; meanwhile, many of our sponsored guests have autograph commitments in their contracts.
ALL of our autographing takes place in our Dealers Room; the only differences between each type is how autographs are delivered to you. Here is a quick and easy to understand guide to getting your most coveted autographs at this year’s convention; guest participation in each type of autograph area will be added to this list shortly before the convention.
Autograph Alley
Gallifrey One’s Autograph Alley is our general autograph session area, located in the very back of our Dealers Room. Nearly every guest we invite ourselves directly signs here, with rare exceptions (sponsored guests and guests with their own tables sign elsewhere, see below). Each guest involved in an Autograph Alley event will begin signing at the start of the session, usually for a one-hour or, in some cases, two-hour block… but we permit the guest’s session to end when there is no expectation of additional autograph collectors wanting signatures. In other words, we don’t require guests to remain for the entire time; you should show up as close to the start of the session as possible, as it’s their choice to stick around or not.
Autograph Alley participants: Steven Moffat, Julie Gardner, Joel Collins, Louise Jameson, Katy Manning, Nicola Bryant, Kate Herron, Briony Redman, Julie Anne Robinson, Paul Magrs, Jonathan Morris, Marv Wolfman, Blair Mowat, Barbara Hambly, Gary Russell, Andrew Smith, Nev Fountain, Andy Lane, Tony Lee, Lisa McMullin, Alfie Shaw, Jody Houser, Craig Miller, Christopher Jones
Sponsored Guests
Autograph sessions with our “sponsored guests” are set entirely by the sponsors, for a time and duration of their choosing, at their tables in our Dealers Room. You will pay the sponsor directly at their table for autographs (credit cards OK for Showmasters & Alien Entertainment, otherwise cash-only). The sponsored guests usually sign for longer periods during the day and often have multiple autograph sessions each day, though some only appear one or two days, so check the schedule.
Guests signing at Showmasters Events (Dealers Room): Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Jenna Coleman, Catherine Tate, Susan Twist, Michelle Greenidge, David Gooderson, Philip Rhys Chaudhary, others to be announced.
Guests signing at Alien Entertainment/Big Finish (Dealers Room): Sean Carlsen, Alex Macqueen, Lisa Greenwood, Miles Richardson, Safiyya Ingar, John Dorney, Lizzie Hopley
Fixed Location Guests
Some of our guests — including sponsored guests appearing on only one day — have their own tables in our Dealers Room. These guests will be signing throughout the day, on the day(s) they are in attendance; we do not post autograph times for them since they will set their own hours and are usually available any time they are not doing programming or photo ops.
Guests with their own tables in our Dealers Room: Wendy Padbury & Charlie Hayes, Frazer Hines, Mark Sheppard, Gigi Edgley, Blair Shedd
Additional Imporant Autographs Information
All guests are free to set their own costs for autographs (usually in the case of actors) or sign for free, as well as sell their own photos or other merchandise if they choose to; Gallifrey One does not require any concessions on potential autograph costs and takes no cut.
Gallifrey One does not pre-sell autographs at any time; you will need to speak to the guest, or their sponsoring organization, at the time for any rates.
It is highly recommended you bring ample cash with you for autographs; don’t plan on using a local ATM (especially the one in the Marriott, which tends to run out of cash quickly). Autographs from guests who charge for signing can run anywhere from $10-30 or higher.
Please respect our guests’ rights to charge for autographs at the costs they deem appropriate; our guests are here on their own time and frequently part of their recompense is in the sales of autographs.
In order to provide our attendees with a positive experience while waiting for an autograph from guests in our Autograph Alley or Dealers Room, we will not permit saving places for friends in any autograph lines, or allow jumping ahead in line to join a friend/relative (exception: those with jump-the-line passes as part of their ticket packages through Convention Photo Shoots, such as TARDIS Tag or Diamond Pass holders.)
Due to time constraints and our wish to allow everyone possible a chance for an autograph, we are not able to permit attendees to take photos with guests during autographs, except with the full consent of the guest; this is limited to guests who have their own tables in the Dealers Room only. Our sponsored guests, and our guests participating in the Autograph Alley, may choose to allow the taking of personal photos at other times, and attendees are welcome to have their photo taken during our professionally-run photo sessions in the Photo Studio throughout the weekend.
Gallifrey One reserves the right to alter these policies or alter the category of each guest at any time.